Saturday, February 6, 2010

Free Forced Male Milking Feminists Want To Apply Title IX To The Hard Sciences. What Exactly Would That Mean?

Feminists want to apply title IX to the hard sciences. What exactly would that mean? - free forced male milking

How to play exactly?
The classes are gender neutral.

Does this mean that if 200 seats are available, and 30 women and 300 men for the school is free, the 30 candidates may only take a maximum of 30 male applicants and was forced to leave d for the remaining seats, if more women ? Apply

If I'm wrong, such as Title IX of play for science?


Max Power said...

Title IX in sports canceled many male sports teams together to the same mix of athletes between the sexes.

It is easy to assume that many scientific subjects would drive off. Of course, most women would be soft sciences, not be affected.

originat... said...

If there were something like sports, the men will be excluded and can even be reduced to the evaluation, have more women. Not that women can perform in mathematics and science, but when women are not interested in general in these areas, so that what we have to do plenty of interest from women.

With many colleges and universities, sports programs for men are reduced to a "right" of men and women who get to sport, but not to the creation of sports available to women only lead men. Leaving So empty seats to keep this tax is a reasonable assumption.

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